Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Haircut 6/20

I groomed Addie this weekend...she was badly in need of a haircut! Unfortunately I had dropped my grooming shears and had to send them in to the company for about 2 weeks so it had been a while since she'd been groomed. But, I got to try out some new conditioner and detangling spray from Show Season which was nice, love the smell!

Anyway, it took a while because she had so much hair. But here are some pics!

(PS: to view the pictures at a normal size, click on it, it will come up really big, then right-click on it and click "View image." It will make the picture a nice viewing size.)

She also got a new color for summer. (Note the toenails) They're a big hit at our obedience classes, and with random people on the street, or people who come to our house... =)


the many Bs said...

that's a great haircut and those toenails are pawtastic! our mom is not a good groomer like that, but she sure does admire it. you're a very pretty girl.


Natalie said...

Thanks! Yes, she sure does get a lot of attention from those toenails. It's a lot of fun. She's pretty much had them painted a different color since she was 6 months old... even the vets loved it when we took her in to get her spayed!

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful haircut, Addie, and we love your pretty toenails! You are definitely a girlie girl!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Natalie said...

Why thank you! Yes I am a girly girl.... and I'm even starting to like grooming day *gasp* I learned how to jump up on the grooming table the other day... I was proud. I love the attention I get from my toenails and pretty haircuts, but I LOVE being a dog even more! Wrestling, playing in the dirt, the lake, laying in the grass, etc. Of course then I need another bath... ; )
