Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 In Review

January: Addie and I were in Basic 1 Obedience. Still learning things like heeling, fronts, comes, and etc. We played in the snow and kept ourselves entertained inside as well.

February: Of course, more snow. We got some good stuff to play in and Addie and I had fun with it. Addie learned that it is fun to catch snowflakes. We started Basic 2 Obedience, training for the Canine Good Citizen test.

March: Okay, I cheated... Early this year, I was still trying to get the hang of grooming adult Addie, and in March I cut her rather short and I'm not happy with how she looked. So I didn't take many pictures and they were all bad. But we celebrated my birthday, and started to do more outside as the snow melted.

April: This month, Addie turned 1 year of age! Unfortunately we didn't get to have a big birthday celebration because I had a big rehearsal that evening.. We spent more time outside playing ball, and continued Basic 2. We practiced all the time.

May: It was a busy month, since my sister got married. This blog also began in May! We began Intermediate Obedience, with a small group of dogs perfecting their obedience skills and working to continue on to greater things. We also took and passed the CGC test, and Addie became Ali-Ann Inspired Addiction CGC.

June: We welcomed the summer by playing outside all the time. Lots of ball, playing with friends, and going to the lake. Addie also experienced boat rides and began to enjoy the water a little more. She met some new doggie friends and we visited the park a lot.

July: We played in the yard all the time, especially fetch. We also went out on the boat more and just enjoyed the summer sun. I watched a few agility trials near us, and Addie and I started our agility foundation training.

August: This month, we discovered a dog park pretty close to us. We visited a few times, and Addie loved it. However, we decided to maybe try again next year as Addie loves other dogs just a little too much. We continued our agility training and really got into it this month.

September: Addie got to play with her good friend, Clara. Previously, she'd been too small to play with Addie but they now get along great. We tried to get outside as much as we could while the weather was still warm.

October: My life got pretty busy, as it usually does in the fall, so we didn't have as much time for adventures. But we still trained for agility and got to know our classmates even better. We enjoyed a short-lived snowfall at the beginning of the month, and dressed up for Halloween and greeted trick-or-treaters.

November: Since this month was uncharacteristically warm, we spent plenty of time playing ball outside and going for walks. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Addie enjoyed her own treat. We also went to get our Christmas tree as a family, and Addie was able to run free around the big farm and meet lots of new friends, both human and canine.

December: We finally got the snowfall we'd been waiting for. Much time has been spent brushing and drying Addie's coat after she collects snowballs on her hair. We've played with lots of friends and played in the snow all the time. Then we celebrated Christmas and have been relaxing with the holiday season.

2009 was a great year for us, filled with plenty of walks, friends, dogs, fetch, grooming, training, and agility. We hope it has been the same for you, and wish you another fantastic year with your dogs. Here's to a new decade with the beginning of 2010 - Happy New Year!


Sam said...

Have a wonderful New Year. I've only been following your blog since the summer, so it was nice to see all the things you did this year. Looking forward to reading more in 2010!

Dandy Duke said...

What a great year you had, Addie! We hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you too!
Happy New Year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sue said...

It looks like you two had a lot of fun last year. Congratulations on the CGC.

I love the picture of Addie looking out the window at Christmas, watching for Santa, I guess.

Happy New Year, I'm glad we found you.

Natalie said...

Sam - Thanks, and I look forward to more of your blog next year as well!

Maggie and Mitch - back at ya!

Sue - Thanks, I'm certainly glad we found you as well. Can't wait for more on your blog and Dogs-N-More as well.